
BREAKING: DC Fire Hazmat Crews Find Cocaine Hydrochloride Near White House

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Independent DC journalist Andrew Leyden has reported the United States Secret Service have just shut down streets near Lafayette Park, the Ellipse and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hazmat Crews were also spotted inside the gate of the West Wing of the White House after there was reports of a suspicious substance being found.

DC Hazmat crews tested the suspicious substance and it reportedly tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride.


DC Fire Hazmat reports they have found a substance that tests positive for Cocaine Hydrochloride near the White House, which is a local anesthetic. Audio from @OpenMHz https://t.co/poI9vabqM7

— Andrew Leyden (@PenguinSix) July 3, 2023

Here’s the radio call:

BREAKING: Cocaine Hydrochloride spotted near West Executive Wing pic.twitter.com/cJLr2rnEDU

— The Triune Times (@TriuneTimes) July 3,