
In the Held V. Montana ‘Climate Kids’ Trial, Montana State Attorneys Surrendered to Junk Science

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The carnival-like atmosphere outside the courthouse in Helena, Montana during children’s Climate Change trial.

Another Missed Opportunity

Guest post by Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.

Helena, Montana, June 20 – During the recent “climate kids” trial in Montana’s capitol city, the States’ defense lawyers failed to vigorously cross-examine any of the plaintiffs’ “science” experts, and did not even present any countervailing science information, despite having one of the world’s foremost authorities at the ready.

Dr. Judith Curry, former science chair at Georgia Tech University, recently recounted that the State’s lawyers removed her from their witness list mid-trial rather than use her to rebut the plaintiffs’ doomsday-science claims.  Dr. Curry is widely known as one of the most prominent skeptical scientists in the contemporary climate-change debate.