
Jen Psaki Tries to Scare Muslim Parents Who Oppose Transgender Ideology (Video)

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MSNBC Host Jen Psaki

MSNBC host Jen Psaki took to her Sunday show, “Inside with Jen Psaki,” to try to scare Muslims by claiming Republicans are  “trying to recruit” Muslims into being anti-transgender.

“So,  lately, I have been noticing the reemergence of a very old GOP playbook that harkens back to President Richard Nixon’s infamous ‘Southern strategy.’  During his campaign for President in 1968, the Republican Party made a concerted effort to reach white Southerners who used to vote for Democrats by playing to their fears of African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement. And it worked. By pitting one group of Americans against another, the GOP successfully managed to split off Southern Whites from the Democratic Party. Now, decades later, the right wing is reviving that same playbook,