
Down Under ‘High’: Australia Is the First Country To Use MDMA and Psilocybin To Treat Severe Psychiatric Conditions

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Lately, it has become difficult to detect exactly where the cure ends and where the poison begins. The rationale behind many decisions in Big Pharma and regulatory agencies around the world is getting increasingly difficult to support.

Ecstasy and Magic Mushrooms for psychologically unstable people? Sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong? Sounds like a joke, but now it’s a reality – in Australia.

Sputnik reported:

“Australia’s controversial move to become the world’s first country to allow the clinical prescription of MDMA, better known as part of the drug ecstasy, and psilocybin – the main ingredient in ‘magic’ mushrooms – for a raft of psychiatric conditions has left many clinicians and researchers concerned.”

The therapy would provide an options for people with mental illnesses  not responding to other treatments.