
France Has Fallen: Patriots Raided, Internet Censored, Police Union Threatens “Tomorrow We Will Be in Resistance” Against “Savage Hordes”

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Riots continue in France as the police station in Rouen was set on fire last night. Patriot militias have taken to the streets in France, battling with rioters for the first time. Right-wing politicians are calling to cut welfare for the parents of migrant hoodlums. French police unions warned the government “Today the police are in combat because we are at war, tomorrow we will be in resistance.”

NOTE: This article uses Twitter links to display videos often not available elsewhere. Twitter has been censoring accounts and videos from France. Please also search GETTR, Rumble and other free platforms for news from #FranceHasFallen

72 people were arrested Monday night and 159 vehicles set afire as riots continued.