
REPORT: Tayler Hansen Reveals Precisely How Chinese-Run Tiktok is Letting Mexican Drug Cartels Target Americans for Human Smuggling Jobs (VIDEO)

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Credit: Post Millennial/Tayler hansen

Chinese-owned and operated Tiktok continues to wreck havoc on the American republic. An exclusive report from former Gateway Pundit reporter Tayler Hansen unveils how they are letting Mexican drug cartels smuggle human beings into America and his report contains some surprising information.

Hansen said he recently travelled down to McKinney County, Texas to ride along with the Sheriff’s Department. While traveling with Deputy Molinar, Hansen learned how Mexican drug cartels are targeting Americans for smuggling jobs.

Hansen reported:

He showed me one example of an ad on TikTok, and within minutes of looking for myself, I found more than a dozen ads that were blatantly advertising smuggling jobs for the cartel. As I was engaging with these ads,