
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Blows Up Every White House “Theory” Regarding the Cocaine Discovery – Reveals the Only Possible Explanation for the Cocaine in the White House

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Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, blew up every White House “theory” regarding the cocaine discovery at the White House on Sunday. He explains why there is only one possibility for the cocaine being there.

TGP’s Kristinn Taylor previously reported that White House Press Secretary Karine-Jean Pierre implied that White House tourists were to blame for the cocaine.

She said the discovery was made in a “heavily traveled” area of the West Wing and that tours had taken place there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jean-Pierre went to great lengths to assure the press that a Biden family member could not be responsible because they were all out of town at the time.

Another theory advanced by the Biden regime is that it is “unlikely” we will ever know who left behind the cocaine.