
Pathetic: WaPo Covers for Biden By Publishing Story Saying Cocaine in WH Goes All the Way Back to FDR

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FDR: Accidental cokehead?

No, of course not, but that’s not what The Washington Post’s writers would want those who merely scanned a Thursday piece on the baggie of Bolivian marching powder found in the West Wing would want you to think. No, coke inside the halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is no big deal. Provided the president is Democrat, of course. And has a cokehead (or formerly cokeheaded, to be perfectly fair) son.

According to NBC News, the bag of the illicit drug was found during a routine patrol on Sunday. On Wednesday, lab results positively identified the substance; White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre subsequently informed the media that it was found in an area heavily trafficked (pun unintended) by visitors.