
The University of Cincinnati Rescinds Reprimand for Professor Accused of Failing Student Who Used Term ‘Biological Women’ in Assignment

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The Gateway Pundit reported that a student at the University of Cincinnati, Olivia Krolczyk, received a zero on a project for using the term “biological women.”

TGP then reported that the gender studies professor involved in the incident, Melanie Nipper, was ordered to undergo free speech training and received a formal reprimand.

University of Cincinnati Gender Studies ProfessorMelanie Nipper-
Image: Melanie Nipper/Facebook


The University of Cincinnati is now backtracking and has reversed the reprimand.

The New York Post initially reported on the reprimand and training for Nipper:

“Please note that this is to be considered a formal reprimand for your actions. A copy of this letter will be placed in your permanent records,” the university told Nipper,