
Damaged Solar Panels from Hail Storm Will Likely End Up in Landfill Because Recycling Isn’t Possible

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On June 26, a hail storm damaged solar panels near Scottsbluff, Nebraska. The panels may now end up in a landfill.

A new report said that many solar panels damaged in a hail storm last month will likely end up in landfills.

Although some panels at the Scottsbluff Community Solar project in Nebraska will be usable, many will be too badly damaged, according to Cowboy State Daily.

According to CBS, more than 90 percent of panels are dumped in landfills when they are damaged, defective or reach the end of their usefulness. As of 2030, CBS said the panels will take up about 3,000 football fields worth of landfill space.

Solar panels destroyed by large hail north of Scottsbluff, Nebraska last night. #newx Photo Courtesy Matt Larsen #hail pic.twitter.com/2ND7BHmYlB

— Daryl Orr (@WxWyDaryl) June 27,