
Jerome Corsi-Biden Family Crime-559 Days Left in Biden Presidency and Still No Serious Criminal Indictments

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Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Biden Family Crime #2: 18 U.S. Code § 1952 – Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises.

 Source: Marco Polo, “Report on the Biden Laptop,” pages 84-86.

 Tuesday, July 11, 2023: 559 Days Left in Biden Presidency and Still No Serious Criminal Indictments.

Marco Polo, a 501(c)3 organization, has produced a 641-page full-color book entitled “Report on the Biden Laptop” that can be read in its entirety here and downloaded free as a .pdf file here.  Every weekday, TGF plans to detail the Marco Polo allegations of Biden Family crimes as graphically portrayed (with reference to the page numbers in the Marco Polo “Report on the Biden Laptop.”In their published report,