
Tulsi Gabbard Calls on Congress to Ban Use of Harmful Chemical Linked to Gender Issues — Corporate Media Runs to Defend the Fascist Transgender Agenda

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Atrazine is back in the news and, as often is the case these days, Alex Jones was right. 

While more and more prominent personalities recognize the horrendous consequences of the widely used herbicide, corporate-backed media is in a panic — frantically publishing any counterpoints they can — labeling all who are sounding alarms as conspiracy theorists. 

It now appears Tulsi Gabbard wants in on the action — calling for members of the public to notify their congressional representatives. 

“Congress must ban Atrazine, one of the most widely used and toxic herbicides, to stop further contamination of our food & water supply,” Gabbard explains in a Tuesday morning tweet, “Atrazine ‘wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs,