
Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

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Three crooks who illegally conspired against Donald Trump: Jim Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama

The FBI on Monday asked Americans to help them protect the country by reporting criminal activity to them at 800-225-5324.

Justice is better than revenge. You may not be Superman, but you can help the #FBI protect the country. If you have information about a federal crime, speak now. Call 1-800-225-5324 or visit https://t.co/t8G7LO4hxu to submit a tip. pic.twitter.com/kn9QhlNhGx

— FBI Washington Field (@FBIWFO) July 10, 2023

You can imagine the responses!

The FBI is the leading criminal organization in America today!

The FBI:
** Spied on President Trump based on phony information
** Lied to the American people about spying on Trump
** Hid the Hunter laptop
** Still can’t find the Hunter laptop
** Lied about the laptop
** Lied to the American public during Trump’s impeachment knowing Trump did nothing wrong
** Sent operatives to the US Capitol on January 6
** Infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
** Raided homes of their political opposition
** Raided the opposition candidate’s home on junk charges
** Ignored Hunter Biden’s hundreds of crimes
** Set up poor white men in Michigan
** Ignored Biden Family treasonous deals
** Lied about investigating the criminal acts in the 2020 election

And just yesterday – on Monday – we discovered the FBI censored Americans who did not support Ukrainian War.