
Wray Refuses to Say Whether Joe Biden Took Money From Burisma or Any Other Foreign Companies (VIDEO)

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FBI Director Chris Wray on Wednesday testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

The hearing, “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” will examine the politicization of the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency under the direction of FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

During Wednesday’s testimony, Christopher Wray refused to say whether Joe Biden took money from Burisma or any foreign countries.

Joe Biden refuses to answer questions about a bribery scheme alleging he received a $5 million bribe from Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian oligarch who runs Burisma Holdings.

Hunter Biden was paid up to $80,000 per month to sit on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.

Last month Grassley revealed Mykola Zlochevsky said he kept 17 audio recordings of conversations with Joe Biden (2) and Hunter Biden (15) as an insurance policy.