
Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You have No Rights’

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J6 defendants Casey Cusick, his elderly father James Cusick, and David Lesperance, a family friend who is also elderly, are facing up to three years in prison for walking into the Capitol building on January 6 for nine minutes to use the bathroom.

When they entered the Capitol building, a cop told them how to get to the bathroom while other surrounding law enforcement officials waved the massive crowd of peaceful demonstrators into the building as lawmakers certified the stolen 2020 election results.

Police are documented in videos of the “crime scene” taking selfies with the protesters who would be later listed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List as “domestic terrorists” for stepping foot in the building.
