
Will Biden Start WW III – – A Chat With Dmitri Simes Jr.

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Dmitri Simes SR.

Boy, I am getting old. I was invited to do an interview on Sputnik News and was told the host is Dmitri Simes. I was expecting the man pictured above. Nope. Imagine my surprise when the young man in the video starts asking questions — I was being interviewed by Dmitri Simes Jr. Twenty-one years ago Dmitri’s father, Dmitri Simes Sr., hosted me, Pat Lang, Ambassador Joe Wilson, Charles Krauthammer, former CIA Director James R. Schlesinger and a few other experts at the Nixon Center in Washington, DC in December 2002 to discuss the impending U.S. invasion of Iraq. I participated as a speaker and panelist at several events at the Nixon Center during Dmitri Sr.’s tenure there. Dmitri Sr. is a good man who was unfairly and wrongfully accused of being part of a Russia plot to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election.