
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Calls George Soros an “American and Patriot” (Video)

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During a recent House Committee Hearing, Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas came to the defense of billionaire George Soros.

Lee defended Soros after several Republicans during the hearing called out George Soros for funding Democrat DAs across the country.

The Democrat congresswoman from Texas responded to her colleagues by claiming they are “jeopardizing Soros’s life” by making accusatory commentary.

She continued by saying Mr. Soros is an “American and a patriot.”


Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee comes to George Soros’ defense after a Republican criticized the pro-criminal DAs he has supported: “A contributing American and jeopardize his life for always throwing his name out..Soros does not deserve that. He is an American and a patriot.” pic.twitter.com/No5sDNivzB

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) July 13,