
McCarthy Strikes Back: House Ethics Committee Revives Junk Matt Gaetz Investigation after He Was Cleared by Biden’s DOJ – Steve Bannon Goes Off!

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The House Ethics Committee is so committed to ethics that they are leaking dirt to CNN.
Such ethical people!

According to CNN the House Ethics Committee revived their junk investigation into Matt Gaetz and they are reaching out to witnesses.

The Biden DOJ dropped the charges against Gaetz in February.

Gaetz was exonerated of all criminal accusations.

But suddenly the House has reopened the investigation after Gaetz challenged Speaker McCarthy for giving in to Democrats on the latest uniparty spending bill. And the committee leaked to liberal CNN for maximum effect.

Steve Bannon went off on his show The War Room after hearing this news!

CNN reported:

Investigators from the House Ethics Committee have begun reaching out to witnesses as part of a recently revived investigation into Rep.