
Tucker’s Question Gets Round of Applause as He Grills Asa Hutchinson on Veto of LGBT Bill

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It’s been said that elections have consequences. Actions candidates have taken in the past also have consequences.

That was demonstrated Friday when Tucker Carlson took Republican presidential candidate Asa Hutchinson to task for his 2021 veto of a bill prohibiting transgender procedures on minors.

The normally affable former governor of Arkansas was uncomfortable and clearly irritated when Carlson — himself demonstrating courtesy and restraint — continually pushed through Hutchinson’s politico-speak responses to ask why he had refused to stop the use of harmful procedures on children.

The key word in the Carlson-Hutchinson exchange at the presidential forum of Blaze Media’s Summit was “treatment,” with Hutchinson saying he vetoed the bill because it did not allow ongoing treatment of children already undergoing transgender procedures.