
“Fake News” – Mike Pence Lashes Out After His “That’s Not My Concern” Comment to Tucker Carlson Goes Viral

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Mike Pence is angry over the viral video clip of him telling Tucker Carlson “that’s not my concern” after the former Fox News host rattled off a series of ills afflicting cities across the country.

Tucker ended Pence’s career in 60 seconds during Thursday night’s presidential primary forum in Iowa.

“You’re running for President. You are distressed that Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks?! EVERY city in the U.S. has become much worse over the past three years…and it’s VISIBLE. Our economy has degraded…suicide rate has jumped…crime has exponentially increased and yet your concern is that the Ukrainians – country that most people can’t find on a map who’ve received tens of billions of US tax dollars don’t have enough tanks!” Tucker said.