
Former CIA Moscow Chief, By His Remarks, Shows Why The CIA Is Feckless

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My first and only contact with Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, who served as the CIA’s Chief of Station circa 2000, was at a conference hosted by my former CIA classmate, Valerie Plame, five years ago. Rolf is a very pleasant, soft-spoken man, but is blinded by an old Cold War view of the world and cannot see Russia straight.

In Rolf’s world, Putin is bad. Very, very bad. And the United States? Clean as the driven snow on the Artic Tundra. He perpetuates the myth that Putin is weak and in trouble. Rolf also makes the ridiculous claim that the U.S. deployment of cluster bombs is a reaction to Russia’s use of increasingly lethal weapons. He is not a stupid person. Yet he ignores the fact that the United States and its NATO partners are the one deploying more sophisticated,