
Developing: Train Derailment Prompts Evacuations in Pennsylvania

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A 40 car CXS freight train derailed early Monday morning in Pennsylvania prompting a Level 2 hazmat response. As a precaution, homes and businesses in the area are being evacuated.

Fox News 29 reports:

Sources told FOX 29 that 15 to 20 cars believed to be carrying hazardous materials derailed in the area, prompting a Level 2 hazmat response. Police later said the only material leaking out of the train cars was silicone pellets, which pose no threat to the public.

Crews are on scene responding to the emergency situation.

Police say residents and businesses closest to the derailment site have been evacuated as a precaution.

Whitemarsh Township Police Department shared the following:


Whitemarsh Emergency Services is investigating the derailment of a Norfolk Southern train in the Plymouth Meeting section of Whitemarsh Township.  » READ MORE