
Retired Fauci Enjoys Taxpayer-Funded Presidential-Level Security: U.S. Marshals Provide Limousine Transportation and 24/7 Protection, FOIA Reveals (VIDEO)

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Source: Jesse Watters Primetime/Fox News

Over the last few months, there have been numerous rumors hinting that U.S. taxpayers are financing the high-end security detail and transportation expenses of the retired health official.

After months of speculation, Jesse Watters’ Primetime news filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request demanding details on the matter. The information received in response to the FOIA request revealed that taxpayers are indeed financing Dr. Fauci’s extensive security measures and high-class transportation.

Detailed documentation from the U.S. Marshals showed the agency provided Fauci with round-the-clock security and limousine services. Typically, such comprehensive benefits are reserved for the President, Vice President, and their immediate families. This raises pressing questions regarding why the same privileges are extended to Dr.