
‘El Pollo’ Carvajal Extradited to US for Drug Trafficking: Former Venezuelan Espionage Chief Holds Secrets That Can Destroy Latin American Leftist Regimes

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The Spanish national court, charged with extradition matters, made a decision that may have a broad impact in the Latin American geopolitical landscape.

By ordering on Tuesday Interpol to ‘immediately deliver’ Hugo Carvajal to US authorities, Spanish judges may have lit the fuse than can set leftist regimes on fire throughout Latin America.

‘El Pollo’ (the chicken} Carvajal was stripped of his General rank in Venezuelan Counter-Intelligence by Maduro’s administration after he made the failed political bet of coming out in support of the US-supported opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s acting president, in February 2019.

Carvajal was finally arrested in Madrid in September 2021, on a drug trafficking Interpol search warrant.

Reuters reported:

“The former head of Venezuela’s military intelligence,