
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. to Discuss Today’s Weaponization Hearing, Government Censorship and Silencing of American Voices on Friday Twitter Space Hosted by Eric Bolling, With Guests Jim Hoft, Joe Hoft and the Bollingers at 3:00 pm Eastern

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Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will join several popular conservatives on a Twitter Space Friday, July 21, at 3 pm Eastern Time.

The Twitter Space will be hosted by Newsmax host Eric Bolling alongside the well-known twin brother duo radio host Joe Hoft and Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit founder. Also joining the conversation will be Ty and Charline Bollinger, the couple behind the alternative medicine docuseries “The Truth About Cancer” and “The Truth About Vaccines.”

Robert will discuss the explosive hearing held today on censorship in Washington DC with the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Earlier this year, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft,