
JFK’s Grandson Attacks RFK Jr. by Reading DNC Talking Points From His Car – The Responses Are Brutal (VIDEO)

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JFK’s grandson Jack Schlossberg blasted RFK Jr. in a video posted to Instagram – and he got destroyed in the comment section.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been under heavy attack from the mainstream media and his own family since he announced a 2024 White House bid.

Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy’s son, posted a video to Instagram praising Joe Biden while attacking his cousin, RFK Jr.

Schlossberg appeared to be reading DNC talking points while he was sitting in his car recording the video.

Nobody is this excited about a Joe Biden presidency.

“Under Biden, we’ve added 13 million jobs, unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years. Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal and the largest investment in green energy ever.