
Russia: 15 Leopards, 20 Bradleys Destroyed in 24 Hours, Large Number of Western Mercenaries Eliminated

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Telegram post claiming to show destroyed US Bradleys in the Zaporozhye Region


Russia has destroyed 15 Leopard II tanks and 20 Bradley Fighting Vehicles in 24 hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed. Russia also claims to have eliminated a large number of Western PMCs fighting in Ukraine.

Speaking to President Vladimir Putin  in St. Petersburg, Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko, claimed that Moscow’s forces had taken out at least 15 German-made Leopard tanks and over 20 US-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles in a single battle, Russia Today reports.

Putin claimed that “[we] have never destroyed so much in one day”, noting that Ukrainian units were “fully equipped with foreign hardware.”

Putin also claimed that Russia had eliminated a number of Western mercenaries serving in Ukraine,