
Top Democrat on Weaponization Subcommittee Argues Democrats Should Be Allowed to Define Truth in America (VIDEO)

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Top Democrat Rep. Stacy Plaskett, the ranking member of the House Weaponization of Government Subcommittee, joined Jen Psaki on MSNBC on Sunday.

Jen Psaki was Joe Biden’s press secretary until May 2022.

Plaskett, a radical leftist and non-voting member of Congress argued on the show that Democrats should be allowed to define truth in America.

This is not your daddy’s Democrat Party – These people are tyrants.

Rep. Stacey Plaskett: “Well, you know, first of all, they wanna talk about censorship. That anytime you point out untruths, you’re censoring, you’re stopping people from speaking. It’s not that we’re not stopping people from speaking [sic], people can speak, but we’re also going to give the American people the truth so that they can have science and facts and history against wild,