
Detransitioner Files Blockbuster Lawsuit Against Doctors Who Aided Her Sex Change When She Was Only 15 and Left Her Disfigured

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Prisha Mosley

Guest post by David Greyson

A 25-year-old North Carolina woman is now suing the doctors who aided her sex change when she was only 15 years old.

Detransitioner Prisha Mosley told Charlie Kirk, “I was promised male puberty and instead I got menopause.”

The blatant attack on America’s children has now shown the consequences of a corrupted medical field.

When Prisha was 15 years old, she battled with anxiety, anorexia, and gender confusion. Her parents tried to help her but were deceived by a so-called gender therapist.

Mosley’s parents were told in front of her, “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” She went on to say that her parents were manipulated and blackmailed.