
Joe Biden Creeps on Italian Prime Minister, Then Starts Rambling, ‘I May be Irish, But I’m Not Stupid’ (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Thursday held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy in the Oval Office.

There won’t be a joint press conference with Meloni because Joe Biden is too feeble.

Biden, with his cue cards in hand, opened his bilateral meeting by creeping on Meloni.

The 80-year-old pervert leaned forward and held Meloni’s hand and tried to sniff her hair.


Biden opens his meeting with Meloni pic.twitter.com/dCthDVS9Rv

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 27, 2023

Biden began rambling about himself.

“I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid!” Biden said.

He continued to ramble about himself: “I want you to know I’m the only non-Italian named man of the year by the Italian society”

Biden tells Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni:

“I may be Irish,