
Roger Stone Responds to Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal: “I Got No Break. I Got No Special Deal. I Got No Reduction, and I Will Have to Pay Back Every Penny”

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Roger Stone nailed it on Wednesday on The Joe Hoft Show when discussing the Biden-Obama DOJ.

Roger Stone joined The Joe Hoft Show today and gave an incredible history of his entrance into politics before addressing the corrupt DOJ’s actions against him compared to Hunter Biden. 

Stone shared that he got into politics in 1964 when he attended the 1964 GOP convention in San Francisco, where Barry Goldwater was nominated the GOP candidate for President.  Although Goldwater didn’t win the 1964 race, his impact on the GOP was monumental as he founded the modern conservative movement.  Before this time,