
Watch: Whoopi Doesn’t Realize Painful Irony of Her Hunter Biden Rant – ‘Maybe I’m Crazy’

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When has-been movie personalities start to pontificate about politics and affairs of state in between chats about the summer’s hottest looks and who’s divorcing who, it’s bound to get confusing sometimes.

On Thursday’s episode of “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg said she doesn’t understand how Hunter Biden’s case could have gone on for seven years.

“Maybe I’m crazy”
Whoopi whines the investigations into Hunter Biden are taking too long and that it’s just a fishing expedition.
“…but it seems to me after seven years, you would know what your case is.” pic.twitter.com/XZw2e8eWUE

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 27, 2023

To properly demonstrate how out of touch the ladies of “The View” are with reality,