
Young Woman Shares “Heartbreaking” Details in House Regarding How Sick Medical Professionals Mutilated Her – Demands Federal Ban on Child Sex Changes (VIDEO)

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A brave young woman spent her 19th birthday Thursday before the U.S. House of Representatives reliving her horrifying, life-altering experience with “gender-affirming” care.

As the Daily Caller reported, Chloe Cole pleaded with House lawmakers during a hearing on gender affirming care for minors to put an end to child sex changes. She also shared what Fox News called “heartbreaking” details on how her parents were manipulated by a sinister “gender specialist” into having her mutilated.

Cole de-transitioned in 2021 after about five years of “gender affirming care.” She is now one of America’s most outspoken activists against this evil practice.

The gender specialist I was taken to see told my parents that I needed to be put on puberty blocking drugs right away,