
French Dystopia: Unrest Is Mounting in Marseille’s Police Force After Pre-Trial Incarceration of Officer for ‘Voluntary Violence’ During Riot Incident

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After months on end fighting protests and riots, French police may now become the new source of instability in the country.

The long wave of protests caused by the tyrannical pension reform implemented by Emmanuel Macron’s government was immediately followed by over a week of violent riots that began over the killing of 17-year-old Nahel M. by a policeman during a traffic check outside Paris.

During one incident in Marseille, a 21-year-old man named Hedi was beaten by four or five policemen, having also been hit in the head by a blast ball fired by police, and risks losing an eye.

Four policemen were charged last week over the incident, and one of them was remanded in custody ahead of the trial.