
Powder Keg Europe: Wagner Forces and Equipment Massing Near Polish Border – Warsaw and Baltic Countries May Shut the Whole NATO Frontier – New Brigade Is Formed To Fight Russian Military Contractors

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Tensions are flaring in Eastern Europe. With the background of the absolute carnage of the war in the Ukraine, involving some of the biggest battles since WW2, the recent developments pitting NATO’s Poland and the Baltic countries against Belarus and Russia is a distressing reality.

As of now, as much as 11 columns of military vehicles and equipment, most likely belonging to Wagner PMC, have entered Belarus from Russia, and moved to Tsel, near the Polish Border.

Wagner PMC camp in Belarus showing signs of increased activity.

Radio Free Europe reported:

“Military equipment and vehicles believed to belong to the private Wagner mercenary group continue to move to a site in the village of Tsel in eastern Belarus that is believed to be a site where troops from Yevgeny Prigozhin’s company have settled after its aborted mutiny in Russia last month.