
Rudy Giuliani Calls Out the Latest Fake News – Says He Made No Admission in Georgia Election Crimes Case (VIDEO)

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This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Big Media reports that Rudy Giuliani had proclaimed that he no longer believes there were election crimes that took place in Georgia in the 2020 Election.  Rudy calls this all lies. 

Hahaha – MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell asks if Rudy Giuliani flipped on President Trump.  This was related to the news that Rudy shared that he took back what he said about the situation in Georgia.

O’Donnell is the same buffoon who said the “walls were closing in on President Trump” about a thousand times during the totally made-up Russia collusion lie that he and the Obama-Biden gang pushed to illegally remove President Trump from office.