
Senate Democrats Shield Financial Transparency: 87,000 IRS Agents Hired to Investigate our Finances, Yet Block Oversight Committee to Monitor U.S. Taxpayers’ Money to Ukraine

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Photo: Dimitar Dillkoff/AFP via Getty Images

Rules for thee but not for me!

Senate Democrats rallied on Wednesday night to oppose the establishment of a new office intended to audit taxpayers’ money sent to Ukraine as military aid.

This proposal was included as a provision in the annual defense spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), for the fiscal year 2024.

While everyday Americans are struggling with Biden’s inflation, Democrats continue to harass Americans with thousands of new IRS agents while sending billions in taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, and they won’t even support basic oversight.

The opposition to the creation of the Office of the Lead Inspector General for Ukraine Assistance saw forty-five Democrats, including every member of the Senate Armed Services Committee,