
WATCH: GOP Congressman Embarrasses CNN “Journalist” When She Covers for Biden Crime Family and Claims to Be Unbiased – Anchor Then Abruptly Cuts Interview

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Credit: CNN Screenshot

An Arkansas GOP Congressman delivered an impressive performance that should be studied by other conservatives when it comes to handling adversarial interviews.

Sara Snider, who claims to be a journalist, falsely kept insisting that the GOP had not produced one piece of “hard evidence” to prove Hunter was selling influence and his dad was profiting off his dealings. Tim Burchett (R-AR) then called her to the carpet for echoing Democrat talking points and lying about being impartial.

Snider was noticeably piqued and embarrassed that she got called out and tried to gaslight the congressman. When that failed, the humiliated anchor abruptly cut their discussion short.

As noted by the Blaze, the first half of the interview initially focused on the House of Representative’s hearing on UFOs before veering into the Biden Crime Family’s foreign business dealings.