
Furious Judge Noreika Banned Hunter Biden’s Attorneys from Contacting Clerks Again After Tricking Them into Removing Filing Under False Pretense of Representing GOP Lawyer

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Jessica Bengels (Source: Latham & Watkins LLP)

Furious Judge Maryellen Noreika ordered the lawyers representing Hunter Biden, who had deceived and lied to a court clerk into removing a legal document by falsely claiming to represent GOP lawyer Ted Kittila, to cease all direct communications with court clerks.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hunter Biden’s legal team is facing possible sanctions after they lied about their identity to have the testimony of IRS whistleblowers removed from the docket in Hunter’s tax fraud case.

Judge Maryellen Noreika had demanded an explanation from Biden’s lawyers by 9 pm ET Tuesday night. This controversy happened on the eve of Hunter Biden’s plea of guilty to misdemeanor tax charges on Wednesday,