
Dancing Shirtless Man Pumping Gas in New York Stabbed to Death by Offended Muslim (VIDEO)

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The religion of peace strikes again.

A shirtless man pumping gas in Brooklyn was stabbed to death by an offended Muslim over the weekend.

The victim, a gay black male, was pumping gas and dancing around in pink swim trunks when a group of Muslims confronted him about his ‘offensive’ behavior.

The suspect, a 17-year-old Muslim male, was seen on surveillance video stabbing the victim to death.

According to eyewitnesses, the suspect said, ‘Oh, we’re Muslim, so don’t do this in front of me.’

New York Daily News reported:

A shirtless man whose friend was dancing exuberantly as they pumped gas at a Brooklyn Mobil station was stabbed to death by a stranger who said the men’s antics were offensive to the killer’s Muslim faith,