
Report Confirms Hunter Biden “Misled” Court Under Oath After Judge Asked Him a Question Regarding His Status as Lawyer

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Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden.Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. (@bradfordcohen / Twitter)

You really didn’t think Hunter would be smart enough to be stick to the truth in court, did you?

The Daily Mail Monday broke an exclusive report Monday revealing that Joe Biden’s ne’er do well son deliberately misleading a judge after she asked a question regarding his status as a lawyer at his plea hearing last week. The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila extensively reported on how the hearing was an absolute disaster for Hunter.

Here was the exchange regarding his lawyer status:

Noreika: You’re member of the bar?

Hunter: Yes, your Honor. District of Columbia and Connecticut, your Honor.

Credit: the Daily Mail

There’s just one small problem with Hunter’s statement: Connecticut records show the 53-year-old was suspended from practicing law in Connecticut more than two years ago.