
Bernie Sanders Now Asking DOJ to Prosecute People in the Fossil Fuel Industry for Dissenting on Climate Change

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People on the left have been screaming about authoritarianism and fascism for years now, but when you look at what they are actually doing, the give they game away.

Bernie Sanders now wants to use the power and force of government to prosecute people in the fossil fuels industry for dissenting from the progressive line on climate change.

Doesn’t that sound an awful lot like… authoritarianism and fascism?

RedState reports:

TERRIFYING: Bernie Sanders Wants to Prosecute Climate Change Dissenters

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders led a gaggle of fellow lawmakers in writing a letter to the Justice Department demanding that it prosecute people in the fossil fuel industry for saying things about climate change that progressives don’t like:

A group of left-wing senators led by Sen.