
Far Left Rep. Pramila Jayapal Who Opposed Trump Border Wall Builds Security Fence Around Her Home

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Far left ‘squad’ member Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington State was a vocal opponent of Trump’s border wall, but apparently has a different attitude when it comes to her home.

She has spent over $45,000 on security at her home, including a fence, because of course she has.

It’s also important to note that she used campaign donations to do this.

That’s not necessarily illegal, but it doesn’t look good.

The Seattle Times reports:

U.S. Rep. Jayapal spends over $45k on security, including fence

U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Seattle, reported spending over $45,000 this year on home security using campaign donations, according to Federal Election Commission records.

The leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus is one of many congressional leaders who have ramped up spending on personal security,