
Tucker’s Hidden FOX News Interview – Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Calls Jan 6 “a Cover-Up” – They Were Hiding Intelligence

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Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund (Source: National Pulse)

Earlier today The National Pulse released exclusive footage of Tucker Carlson’s final interview before he was fired from FOX News.

Carlson spoke with former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund about the events on January 6, 2021. During their discussion Sund called January 6 a “cover-up” by top government officials for their actions that day.

Sund says Nancy Pelosi and General Mark Milley had information to suggest problems on Capitol Hill yet refused to share the information and refused to call in the National Guard before January 6th and during the early rioting that day. That sounds like a “setup!”

It appears we’ve found the guilty parties and it WASN’T DONALD TRUMP!