
In 2019 Viktor Shokin Tried to Travel to US but State Department Blocked Him from Entering to Testify – He Was Later Poisoned that Year After Joe Biden Entered the US Presidential Race

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On Friday afternoon MazeMoore released video of Viktor Shokin speaking to a reporter in 2020.

Viktor told the interviewer that in January of 2019, he tried to travel to the United States. He says he had been here three times previously. He also said he has children and grandchildren that live here.

The State Department blocked his entry. This was while Trump was president.

Even back in 2019, the State Department was working against Trump.

In September of 2019 Shokin suffered cardiac arrest and almost died. He claims that tests show he was poisoned during a trip to Greece.

In January of 2019, Viktor Shokin tried to travel to America.