
Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Gives Game Away on Trump Prosecution: “We’re going to break you, humiliate you, defeat you at the ballot box, shatter your movement You’ll spend your sorry last years weeping in a lonely prison cell”

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President Trump has a way is sussing out his opponents like no other since Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols. One simple post on Truth Social on Friday set off the rabid attack dogs in Jack Smith’s office and online. Trump posted in all caps, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Special Counsel Jack Smith sent his prosecutors running to Judge Chutkan Friday evening demanding she deal with Trump for his temerity in defending himself in the court of public opinion.

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On TwitterX Friday, Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson responded to Trump by giving away the Establishment’s rationale for prosecuting Trump, “We’re coming after you, @realDonaldTrump. We’re going to break you,