
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More

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This exclusive report originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

The same attorney who is prosecuting President Trump, let former FBI Head Andrew McCabe go free after lying under oath, and gave Imran Awan sweetheart deal.  He also is now going after Bannon and Stone after being pardoned by President Trump. 

This is the Biden-Obama corrupt and criminal DOJ.

I remember being absolutely appalled when the corrupt DOJ made the decision not to indict corrupt Deep State corrupt actor Andrew McCabe for lying under oath.  Judges, DOJ prosecutors and FBI agents and executives should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard.

Andrew McCabe leaked confidential investigation details and information to the media to “advance his personal interests” then lied about it to the Inspector General.