
China is Funding America’s Public Schools in $17 Million ‘Global Influence’ Plan, ‘Alarming’ Report Indicates – GOP Investigating

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China’s tentacles are reaching into American public schools at an alarming rate, according to parents and several Republican members of Congress.

A new report from Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization focused on education, says that over time, China has reached into 143 school districts in 34 states and the District of Columbia through its Confucius Classrooms program, giving schools $17,967,565.12 since 2009. Of those schools, the report said, the “CCP has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases.”

“The allure of Chinese language and culture programs have led American K-12 schools to forge ties with one of the United States’ biggest foreign adversaries,” the group’s report, titled “Little Red Classrooms,” said.

“While it’s important to provide students access to Chinese language and culture programs in schools,