
How Awful. Dirty Liar Mike Pence Launches “Too Honest” Merch for His Campaign (VIDEO)

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Liar Mike Pence is launching “Too Honest” merchandize for his campaign for some reason.

Turncoat Pence is famoous for lying to the American public about January 6.

Pence originally said he would challenge the results.

Mike Pence Jan 4, 2021: “I know we all got doubts about the election. I share the concerns of millions of Americans about voting irregularities. I promise you this Wed. We’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence.”https://t.co/YlhKf4LVoq pic.twitter.com/MPJqCRWnfq

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) August 2, 2023

But that was a lie and resulted in riots and four dead Trump supporters.

Two days later he told CBN there were irregularities with the election.