
“We Know Where You F***ing Live! – Rabid Pro-Trans Protesters in Texas Assault, Threaten, and Spit on Riley Gaines and Other Women’s Right’s Activists – Kids as Young as Five Were Also Targeted (VIDEO)

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Credit: Michelle Evans Twitter

Denton, Texas – Riley Gaines and other women’s rights activists were yelled at and assaulted by radical pro-trans protesters who gathered to scream their opposition to the “Save Women’s Sports Act.” Innocent children were also targeted by the deranged scumbags.

As Fox News reported, the activists joined Texas Governor Greg Abbott at the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame at Texas Woman’s University in Denton for a ceremonial signing of the bill. The law was previously signed into law by Texas back in June.

The protesters during the ceremony made the decision to throw items, hit, and even spat on the brave women who are leading the charge to protect female sports.

One such activist,